Creation of new varieties with quality fruit and genetic resistance / tolerance to biotic and abiotic factors
1.1. Breeding of strawberry cultivars ( Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)
- high productivity;
- high quality fruit for fresh consumption and processing;
- big size, color and shape, good shelf life;
- wide early, medium and late ripening season and continuous fruiting;
- resistance to diseases;
Registration of two new cultivars::
1.2. Breeding of the highbush blueberry cultivarsVaccinium corymbosum L.., Vaccinium australe)
- adaptability to local soil and climate conditions, high productivity and vigorous plants;
- extended fruit ripening season (early, middle and late varieties);
- wide ripening season (early, middle and late ripening season); big attractive fruits with good shelf life
Certification and registration of new cultivars:
1.3. Breeding of blackcurrant cultivarsRibes nigrum L.)
- high productivity;
- high quality fruits: high content in vitamin C, acidity, sugars, anthocyanins and polyphenols;
- suitability for processing and fresh consumption;
Registration of two new cultivars::
1.4. Breeding of the gooseberryRibes grossularia L):
- high productivity;
- resistance of varieties to powder mildew;
- vigorous bushes, straight to spreading habit, thornless or thornless cane;
- high quality fruits: size, color and taste;
Registration of two new cultivars::
1.5. Breeding of raspberry cultivars (Rubus idaeus)
- high adaptability to ecological conditions: resistance to severe frost and heat;
- high productivity;
- high quality fruits: size, color, firmness;
- wide ripening season, (early, medium and late), with early bearing on the buds;
-varieties with drajoni fructification (remontant ie with biannual fructification);
- resistance to diseases.
Registration of two new cultivars::
1.6. Breeding of blackberry cultivars ( Rubus spp..)
- resistance of the canes and buds during the frost period ranges from -150C..-180C;
- early ripening season to mid ripening period of the entire fruit crop before early autumn frosts;
- good productivity and high fruit quality: size, firmness, high content of soluble dry mater, sugar and anthocyanins;
Registration of two new cultivars::
1.7. Selection and assortment introduction of sea buckthorn cultivars - study of biotypes from populations of Hippophae rhamnoides L.var. carpatica.
- high productivity;
- fruits with high content of vitamins: C, A (carotenoides), E (tocoferol), oil and minerals;
- suitable for different harvesting systems: manual, shaking or cutting the fruit branches.
Registration of two new cultivars::
1.8. Selection of blue honeysuckle varietiesLonicera caerulea var. edulis):
- high productivity;
- resistance of flowers and fruits to spring frosts
- quality fruits: size, good taste, high content in vitamin C, polyphenols and anthocyanins.
Registration of two new cultivars::
1.9. Selection of Rosa varietiesRosa spp.):
- high productivity;
- fruit quality: size, high pulp yield (over 70%), anthocyanin content; taste with low astringency
- pest resistance (woolly louse).
Registration of two new cultivars::
1.10. Selection of elderberry varieties (Sambucus nigra):):
- high productivity of fruit and/or flowers;
- fruit quality: size, anthocyanin content;
- resistance and or tolerance to pests (aphids).
Registration of two new cultivars::
1.11. Selection of rose varieties for petalsRosa rugosa) and vitamin dill (Rosa canina L.):
- high productivity;
- fruit quality: size, high flesh yield (over 70%), high vitamin C and carotenoid content;
- reduced thorniness;
- resistance to disease (flouriness).
Registration of two new cultivars::
1.12. Selection of Cornelian Cherry VarietyCornus mas L.):
- High productivity;
- Fruit quality: size, high pulp yield (over 75%), compounds with antioxidant action;
- Tolerance to septoria and moniliosis
Registration of two new cultivars::