- Organizing of the „ex situ” collections;ex situ”;
- Preservation of genotypes at the biologic potential and conservation of biodiversity;
- Evaluation of the agronomic traits;
- Permanent enrichment of the collections with species and cultivars from our country and abroad;
- Identification of genitors for breeding programs according to general and specific objectives;
- Creating and updating the database.
a) Inventory of accessions from collections. The gene bank within this laboratory comprises: 594 apple genotypes, 196 pear genotypes, 11 quince genotypes, 440 plums, 176 sweet cherries and 144 sour cherries. This germplasm fund, a true national treasure, is recognized and appreciated internationally, most of the genotypes being registered in the European catalogs (EURISCO catalog), and the Romanian researchers are involved in the IPGRI Malus/Pyrus and Prunus.
The situation of germplasm fund from Genetics and Breeding Department
No. crt. | Species | Total number of accessions | Number of species | Number of autochthonous varieties | Number of foreign varieties | Number of vaieties evaluated | Year of esthablishment | Surface (ha) |
1 | Apple tree | 594 | 5 | 73 | 521 | 200 | 2010 | 1,30 |
2 | Pear tree | 196 | 13 | 67 | 129 | 80 | 2009 | 0,38 |
3 | Gutui | 11 | 0 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 2022 | 0,05 |
4 | Plum tree | 440 | 9 | 172 | 268 | 200 | 2019 2020 2021 |
1,60 |
5 | Cherry tree | 176 | 0 | 43 | 133 | 117 | 2013 | 1,54 |
6 | Vişin | 144 | 0 | 54 | 90 | 54 | 2010 | 0,65 |
Total | 1.561 | 27 | 416 | 1.145 | 655 | 5,52 |
b) Creating, preserving and maintaining the genetic resource:
- establishment the fruit trees collections (apple - 594 accessions, pear - 196 accessions, quince - 11, plum - 440, sweet cherry - 176 and sour cherry - 144);
– Enrichment of the germplasm fund with new foreign varieties (from the Republic of Belarus, Bulgaria, Latvia, Serbia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Moldova, Germany and France);
- preserving and maintaining the biological potential of species, 1,561 genotypes, which occupies the area of 5.52 ha.
c) Evaluation of accessions to the descriptors IPGRI, ROMA and UPOV (for harmonizing the data according to the methodological practices of the U.E):
- evaluation of 655 genotypes following the useful characters of breeding programs;
- choice of potential genitors for the breeding and preparation of recommended character lists (resistance to biotic and abiot stress, quality, productivity, self -fertility, etc.);
- organization of exhibitions, panel test and visits in the pomological collections;
- completing the European and national database by introducing the evaluated accessions.
PhD. Mădălina Militaru – apple, pear and quince (
PhD. biol. Madalina Militaru – apple and pear (
Eng. Eugenia Mareși – apple and pear (
Biolog Adelina Stan – apple and pear (